Above: 5 Moving Orbs . . over 30 sighted coming in to Earths Orbit . . .

Jeremy Corbell:  Splash Video


The story broke on “Mystery Wire” on the web, 14 objects, 3 day event: 6 foot self-illuminated Orbs

It was July 15th 2019, with 8 US Navy ships, with three days with UFO contact.    

The Omaha High Speed Naval Cruiser and 7 other US naval ships encounter these Orbs over 3 days  in 2019.

14 Illuminated spheres were only visible with their thermal sensor cameras, Jeremy Corbell released the naval heat sensing cameras video.

It’s shows the “Splash” of the  orb. It dived into the ocean. The radar man calls out  “Mark Bering and Range”   as the event ends and the Orb is off the screen.

14 objects were tracked during this 3 day event.  9 objects were being observed and the 2 orbs dropped off the heat sensor camera, and both orbs were diving into the ocean.  Radar did not detect them, only the heat  sensor camera.

A 6 foot glowing Orbs was flying at 30 mph, accelerating to 50 mph, then to 158 mph. Two Orbs drops off senor cameras, diving into the water.

Records on this event are still secret and there is a lot we do not see . . .

 Full Jeremy Corbell USS Omaha UFO event:




Below: Magnetic Wave Video. Best I have seen . . .

Best ORB Video, LONG sitting of over 30 Orbs in Earths Stratosphere. Orbs coming into Earths orbit, getting real bright on and off, which is part of there propulsion system.

Plasma Auras are associated with many UFOs. This invisible magnetic column below the craft above is a very interesting video.



Above: Plasma Wave from a UFO pushing the clouds upwards . . .



Do Not Be Afraid:

Orbs Powering up. Night time sighting of 30 or more orbs

Best Power up video so far . . .


Orbs are common, a mother ship above controls many orbs. They monitor us. Maybe your neighbor is sick, and he doesn't know it, but someone dose . . .

In 2023 below shows how common Orb Sightings are, 25% see Orbs, Triangles are next, then the standard 30 to 40 foot flying saucer with three occupants . . .




Manchester UK  Orb hovers a foot above the tarmac at an airport. 



A pilot caught the Orb leaving Manchester Airport in the UK . . .


Below New ORB Flying by AIRPLANE

Video Link:



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