The Glass Moon Theory . . .
Below: The "Solar Burst Wave" hit the Earth 12,000 years ago.
Last Flood Disaster 12,000 to 13,000 years ago.
The Gothenburg Event . . .
The glass Moon Theory
Our Sun is a Reoccurring Micro Nova Sun, it had an “Out Burst” Larger than a Solar Flare some 12,000 years ago. It has it's own burst cycle, and has effects on the Earth's magnetic field.
The Micro Nova causes the shell of the Sun to shed off, it goes out in all directions. When this happened, Isotopes are embedded in the Earth’s Ocean’s soil and soil of the Earth and on the Moon.
This Radioactive Trace Isotopes are only found from the Sun, a solar flare is too weak to leave this trace isotope, A solar burst from outside our solar system would not have as strong a Remnant Isotopes found on Earth and the Moon.
This “Impact Event” hit somewhere near the Mediterranean Sea.
The Moon tells the story, NASA kept it quite. Each Moon trip brought back Glass. It’s not Volcanic, It’s melted sand from the Moon surface caused by an “Impact Event” from our Sun.
On the Moon, there were “Clumps of Glass” everywhere. This “Moon Glass” was splattered on rocks, in the sand, and many samples were collected.
A volcanic eruption does not make this type of Glass.
Only a Solar Event could cause the Glass Formations, and it’s found all over the Moon. These sample were retrieved on each Moon Landing Mission. The Dark Side Of The Moon has a very strong magnetic signature at an Impact Crater. The Chinese just landed there May of 2024.
If the path of this outburst from the Sun is blocked by another Planet, like Venus. The earth would receive a glancing blow.
Mars looks like it took a direct hit. There are buried Pyramids on Mars, and it looks like a disaster striped away the atmosphere from Mars.
Many Block Like Objects have been spotted by Jean Ward, The Mars man.
When this “Sun burst Event” happened 12,000 years ago, it would be 5,000 years before the Sumerian people would arise on Earth.
Sumerian age 5000 BC +2000 = 7000 dropped on earth.
Mathematics, Writing, Accounting Records, Farming, Politics.
The worshiped everything, The Sun Sky God, 200 Gods. Like The American Indian worships, the Creator and what he created. Many cultures worship the Sun, water, animal, plants, a religious lifestyle that respects all living things, and fears some.
The Flood Story is the Sumerians. There was a complex society along with the Pyramids, and the lush valley of lakes, rivers and communities that now lay under the Shari Desert.
The Sun Burst that wiped out Atlantis, and buried the Pyramids from that time.
It hit somewhere around the Mediterranean Sea, causing a massive wave roaring across the upper continent of Africa, to the west coast of the continent, dumping into the Atlantic Ocean. A massive wave would then cross the Atlantic Ocean to the next land mass in its path, Brazil would be next, the wave crossing the South American Convenient . . .
The Egyptians took over the Main Pyramid Complex and built over past buildings. The Sphinx was berried and damaged from this "solar burst".
Egypt age 3100 BC +2000 = 5100 years ago. Jewish Slaves, Moses, 10 commandments, their Flood Story a “carbon copy” of the Samaritans Food story 2000 years earlier.
Babylon age 1894 BC +2000 = 3894 years ago.
Sumerian Culture was 5000 years after the Gothenburg Event of 12,000 years ago.
When the Impact Event hit 12,000 years ago, a wave roared across upper Egypt from the Mediterranean Sea. It ragged across the content to the west, where it dumped into the Atlantic Ocean.
Solar Events cause large weather effects on Earth. Large Solar Flares can wipe out the electrical grid.
A Solar Micro Nova from our Sun will clean a planet off.
If Earth took a direct hit, it would look like Mars.
If Venus was blocking the Blast from the Sun from directly hitting Earth at that moment of time 12,000 years ago, But Mars Got Hit, that’s what it looks like happened.
Earth could recover, where Mars lost its magnetic field that holds the atmosphere in place. And Mars was devastated, and Pyramid structures were buried in this awful solar storm.
Events related to Solar Activity that left an impact on Earth in the past.
The Gothenburg Event was 12,000 years ago.
Lake Mungo 24,000 years ago.
Mono Lake Event was 36,000 years ago.
The Laschamp Event was 48,000 years ago.
Vostok core Event 60,000 years ago.
Toba 72,000 years ago.
After The Flood
Reconstruction took place at many pervious megalithic sites around the world. A little more complicated than the Noah's Ark story.
Each Continent had reconstruction Alien Program.
All took place about 3000 to 2000 years ago.
It's ongoing . . .
Below: Re-occurring Micro Nova in our solar system alone.
A 10,000 year re-occurring Nova would be impossible to detect . . .
Map of Large Skull People
The Reconstruction Era . . . 1000BC to 800 AD.
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