The US has a UFO

      Statements in 2007 US Capitol Washington DC  and  Now  Oct. 2023

Dr. Lacatski stated:

The United States was in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior.


This craft had a streamlined configuration suitable for aerodynamic flight,

but no intakes, exhaust, wings, or control surfaces.

In fact, it appeared not to have an engine, fuel tanks, or fuel.


Senator H Reid          The Push   

Harry Reid Had Met Bob Lazar in the 1990s and met with David Grusch in 2021 before his death.

He knew the story along with Edgar Mitchell Apolo 14 Astronaught . . .


Publicly Reported News Coverage of Harry Reid’s UFO Funding success.


The money for Dr. Lacatski's UFO AAWSAP program came from this funding. 

News Report:

Back in 2007, Harry Reid pushed hard for the creation of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was housed within the Department of Defense and about which almost nothing was (or is) known.

Harry Reid, in an interview with the host of “Nevada Newsmaker” in 2019  Reid was unapologetic for the $22 million he had earmarked for AATIP over his time in the Senate. He considers the UFO study to be very important national security program.

Harry Reid told host Sam Shad “Nevada Newsmaker Show” that he secured the $22 million to begin the secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) in 2007.

After the Government release of three videos of UFOs in 2017, Reid Tweeted this Message:

April 2017 “I’m glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available,”

Link: tweeted Reid,

the former Senate majority Leader. “The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed.”


The AAWSAP UFO Program was funded by the Harry Ried program announced in 2007, and mistakenly called AATIP.

The actual name was AAWSAP “Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program” directed by Dr. Lacatski.

US Government Department of Defense did an 7 month security audit of this book and approved this version:  

"Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program"  released in Oct. 2023

(The AAWSAP Program)

You might say it was “Tests of Various Components of a UFO” and the study of Paranormal Effects of UFO contacts. 2 parallel tracts studied together.



Dr. Lacatski stated that "AATIP"  was for military cases of UFOs investigations under Lou Elizondo. This was starting up just before he retired in 2016 .

His program was 2008 to 2010 - Both programs ran side by side for a short time, but separate and completely compartmentalized. With high levels of secrecy.

The head scientist Dr. Lacatski started about January of 2008 with 10 million in funds allocated and 12 million funds in the second year which ran through the end of December of 2010.

Dr. Lacatski worked for “Defense Intelligence Agency” 

He was a US Defense Rocket Scientist  picked for the program and was allowed to reveal certain aspects of what was found in the 2 parallel studies of UFOs in his book released in Oct. of 2023.  

In Dr. Lacatski book: "Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program"  he clarifies the AAWSAP UFO Program. 

Dr. Lacatski ran AAWSAP “Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program” under the Defense Intelligence Agency.


The funding (22 million) that Congress allocated went to “AAWSAP"

These funds are a traceable fact and took place under the “Defense Intelligence Agency” (DIA) through the “Defense Warning Office” to the AAWSAP UFO project. Dr. Lacatski explained this point.

Dr. Lacatski book covers how the 200,000 UFO database was used to investigate the US reports of UFOs.

These were confirmed incident's, not balloons or drones.

 Below: 2024 Eclipse UFO fly by . . .

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