Pictures taken by Citizens   

Cool UFO pictures from around the world . . . .


To The Left: Underwater Pyramids . . . .

Below: Kingman AZ Crash Recovery 1953

Below: The Chandelier UFO 1-14-24


Awaiting Video . . . 


Small Orbs and UFOs like the one above could be  controlled from Mother Ships Above?


They are too small for passengers, unless they are "Micro People" . . . .

Orbs the size of a basket ball, orbs the size of a grape fruit,  Micro People or a Motehr Craft  above . . . ?


Below Nov. 2023 UFO in the clouds . . . Brush Prairie WA.

Below: Antatica . . . UFO Crash ?

Below: Impact zone 

Glide Path to the settled postion of the craft.

Huge Antarctic Tunnel Entrance . . . 

Below: Russian UFO Incident . . . . 2 ten foot tall Aliens and a small robot . . .