Dr. Jim Segala
With over 600 case correlations with The "Event Study".
3.5 Terabytes of collected Data . . .
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som1 UFO Page Editorial:
UFO detection systems have been used since 1954. As soon as the US Government had satellite systems in place. They could detect in- coming UFOs to Earth’s Air Space. Radar gave them the speed these craft were traveling. (1954 7000 mph by radar)
The AAWSAP UFO Program used sensor data 200,000 "Event" type records. Patterns across the world came from radar and senor data collection from under-sea sensors, satellites, radar, and other land based sensors.
In 2020 Jim Segala developed his system. In 2019 Jim started a 3 year study with the UFO data packs 24/7 recording. 35 people in the original study group. 300 "Event Reaction" of the collected data, corelated to the "Events"
300 correlations from sensor packs(3-2024).
Now 12-2024 600 correlated "Events" have been recorded.
This system runs 24/7 monitoring.
Dr. James Lacatski alluded to the senor data that they collected.
How their program back around 2008 to 2010 at "Skin Walker Ranch" with Dr. Kit Green as well as The AAWSAP UFO Program.
Hal Puthoff who has been helpful to all three UFO investigative teams from 2006 to 2024.
UFO Team 1 UFO Team 2 UFO Team3
Dr. Hal Puthoff - Dr. Kit Green - Dr. Jim Segala
New computer prediction programs and computer correlation programs to watch for trends over time, “Events” were tracked over time. They used sensor data as well in this program. 2017-2019
For Jim Segala it started at "Skin Walker Ranch"
2017 to 2019 research with Hal Puthoff who invited Jim Segala and Dr. Kit Green to work at Skin Walker Ranch . . .
Jim Segala developed the sensor pack to catch in real time recording of the incoming Gama and Micro Wave impulses coming in to our environment. Several other sensor are used as well.
If an “event” happens: Visual sighting in the sky, an Orb event in your backyard, something unusual wakes the person at 3 am. With UFO monitoring sensor systems, you can “catch these events” with 24/7 event recording.
Microwave Detection – Gama Ray – Magnetometer – Gravity Vector sensor – Accelerometer – Acoustic Energy sensor – Temperature sensor all bringing in constant data 24/7.
Dr. Jim Segala continued his program, making these multi sensor packs.
They connect to your wi-fi in your home. Programs designed to monitor and log all the data from these multi senor packs have been successfully used for 5 years now. With data from 300 "Event" recorded for each case.
Sensor packs used in the AAWSAP UFO Program have long been disbanded, where Dr. Jim Segala has continued his work going forward in 2024.
Dr. Jim Segala has logged 300 events (3-2024) (now 600 event data recordings 12-2024),
600 Now correlated with the multi sensor packs picking up Microwave Radiation spikes and Gamma Ray spikes at the same time of the “EVENT” . . .
Now someone can buy a sensor pack, connect to the internet and you are the monitoring program.
For someone with reoccurring events, it can help them deal with these multi-faceted events. Something coming into our environment and “IT” can be detected. Pretty Cool . . .
Very Cool
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