Bob Lazar 1989  now 35 years later.

The story is still the same . . . . .



Bob Lazar

New "Sport Model"

UFO reproduction video




Bob Lazar 35 years later, a new 3D virtual environment and recreation of the hanger the “Sport Model” UFO stored in S-4 where he worked in 1989.

Bob has been working with “Project Gravitaur” to recreate the sport model UFO he worked on in 1989.

Luigi Vendittelli is the Executive Producer and Program Director.

His staff has worked for over three years to reproduce what Bob Lazar experienced at S-4 near area 51 in 1989.

They have a virtual reality program where you wear a visual device (Goggles) you can look around the hanger where “The Sport Model” UFO was stored. You can experience what it was like to crawl inside the small hatch of this 40 foot UFO.

Bob Lazar worked closely to get all of the details he remembered about the other UFOs he saw at S4  A documentary will come with this production, and a book covering all of their reproductions of this event. Also a cool reproduction of the power supply in the UFO.



The Power Supply with a small molded chair in the background


Above: Hillside Hanger at S-4

Bob Lazar was recruited to work on an “Alien Craft” in 1988

He saw 9 crafts while working at S4, near Area 51 each craft was different.

He worked on the power supply of the craft. The US Government at the time was working on three separate issues.

  1. The power supply and the anti-gravity wave.

  2. Navigation

  3. The metallurgy and construction of UFOs.

Each subject was compartmentalized from each other.

Mr. Lazar: Russians worked with the program a short time while he was there.

Bob Lazar: said the inside of the craft he worked on had three small seats, the size of a child. 4 foot tall.

He said they ("US Gov.") knew how to turn the reactor on and off.

He said he saw a craft fly while working at S4.

He said the reactor works on “Element 115” which is not natural to Earth.

The Power Supply (Reactor) was in the center of the craft. It had three round devices that rotate under the floor. The top section is possible navigation, but he was not given access to that part of the program.


No wires connect the power supply to the gravity amplifiers. No fiber optics connect working UFO components to the power supply or connect to the navigation in the upper part of the craft.

Bob's story link:






The three cylinders in the bottom of the craft must be positioned perfectly to fly and navigate, with no wires or fiber optics, positioning motors - None . . .

The control must be like a super computer we can't imagine.

MAJIC was the name of the program in 1954, the name stuck for many years because this technology is like Majic, even judged by  todays technological standards.

Bob Lazar was shown many briefing documents about the UFOs and they indicated that at least one UFO was from an archaeological dig. Very old . . .

1988 Bob Lazar worked there for about 6 months.

The 9 craft the US government had did not all function, some were from crashes. 5 out of the nine worked at tat time, 1988.

Bob Lazar said they test fly one of the craft and took his friends out to watch the UFO go up, do some maneuvers, and go back down.

The third time he took guests out to watch, with a motor home, he was caught by the base security, and no longer worked at S4.

Bob Lazar went public in May of 1989 on live TV. He feared for his life and wanted some insurance. He was later interviewed and told his full story.

Bob Lazar has stuck to his story 30 years later, and the mystery goes on . . . .


Below:  1954  SOM1-01  Bob's Area S4 is listed

Area 51 S-4


Line 8   Living Entities: Living NON-HUMAN in GOOD HEALTH.

Classification: EBE-010  Take these ALIENs to OPNAC BBS-01

Dead ALIENs: Take to EBE-XO    Location  BLUE LAB  WP-61


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