Booklet released in 1994
The Craft description written in 1954.
The same craft are seen today 2023 . . . .
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Documented extraterrestrial craft (UFOBs) are classified in one of four categories based on general shape, as follows:
a. Elliptical, or disc shape.
This type of craft is of a metallic construction and dull aluminum in color.
They have the appearance of two pie-pans or shallow dishes pressed together and may have a raised dome on top or bottom.
No seams or joints are visible on the surface, giving the impression of one-piece construction.
Discs are estimated from 50-300 feet in diameter and the thickness is approximately 15 percent of the diameter, not including the dome, which is 30 per cent of the disc diameter and extends another 4-6 feet above the main body of the disc.
The dome may or may not include windows or ports, and ports are present around the lower rim of the disc in some instances.
Most disc-shaped craft are equipped with lights on the top and bottom, and around the rim. These lights are not visible when the craft is at rest or not functioning.
There are generally not visible antenna or projections.
Landing gear consists of three extendible legs ending in circular landing pads. When fully extended this landing gear supports the main body 2-3 feet above the surface at the lowest point.
A rectangular hatch is located along the equator or on the lower surface of the disc.
b. Fuselage or cigar shape.
Documented reports of this type of craft are extremely rare.
Air Force radar reports indicate they are approximately 2 thousand feet long and 95 feet thick, and apparently, they not operate in the lower atmosphere.
Very little information is available on the performance of these craft, but radar reports have indicated speeds in excess of 7,000 miles per hour.
They do not appear to engage in the violent and erratic maneuvers associated with the smaller types.
c. Oval or circular shape.
This type of craft is described as being shaped like an ice cream cone, being rounded at the large end and tapering to a near-point at the other end.
They are approximately 30-40 feet long and the thick end diameter is approximately 20 per cent of the
There is an extremely bright light at the pointed end, and this craft usually travels point down.
They can appear to be any shape from round to cylindrical, depending upon the angle of observation.
Often sightings of this type of craft are elliptical craft seen at an inclined angle or edge-on.
d. Airfoil or triangle shape.
This craft is believed to new technology due to the rarity and recent of observations.
Radar indicates an isosceles triangle profile, the longest side being nearly 300 feet in length.
Little is known about the performance of these craft due to the rarity of good sightings,
but they are believed capable of high speeds and abrupt maneuvers similar to or exceeding the performance attributed to type “a” and “c”.
Light seems to follow the descriptions of these craft, they glow from within or have light emitting from the gravity wave causes the glow encircling the craft, not for a decoration, rather a result from the propulsion system ?
The Craft from word for word.
page 7 11. Description of Extraterrestrial Technology Word for word page 7.
The following information is from preliminary analysis reports of wreckage collected from crash sites of extraterrestrial craft 1947 – 1953, excerpts from which are quoted verbatim to provide guidance as to the type and characteristics of material that might be encountered in future recovery operations.
a. Initial analysis of the debris from the crash site seems to indicate that the debris is that of an extraterrestrial craft which exploded from within and came into contact with the ground with great force, completely destroying the craft.
The volume of matter indicates that the craft was approximately the size of a medium aircraft, although the weight of the debris indicates that the craft was extremely light for its size.
b. Metallurgical analysis of the bulk of the debris recovered indicates that the samples are not composed of any of any materials currently known to Terrestrial Science.
c. The material tested possesses great strength and resistance to heat in proportion to its weight and size, being stronger by far than any materials used in military or civilian aircraft at present.
d. Much of the material, having the appearance of foil or aluminum-magnesium sheeting, displays none of the characteristics of either material resembling instead some kind of unknown plastic-like material.
e. Solid structures and substantial beams having a distinct similarity in appearance to very dense grain free wood, was very light in weight and possess tensile and compression strength not obtainable by any means known to modern industry.
f. None of the materials tested displayed measurable magnetic characteries or residual radiation.
g. Several samples were engraved or embossed with marks and patterns. These patterns were not readily identifiable and attempts to decipher their meaning has been largely unsuccessful.
h. Examinations of several apparent mechanical devices, gears, etc. revealed little or nothing of their functions or methods of manufacture.
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